Archive for Term: Rejuvenation

Jeffrey J. Wheeler, MD

Dr. Wheeler’s extensive clinical experience in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and Age Management (Anti-Aging) Medicine, as well as his meticulous surgical skills, outgoing personality and excellent communication skills combine to provide his patients with the utmost in professionalism, unparalleled patient care and outcomes to far exceed expectations.

Dr. Wheeler is a fellowship trained Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, having trained with some of the most talented and respected plastic surgeons in the world. Dr. Wheeler’s areas of expertise are in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Breast and Body Contouring and Cleft Lip and Palate Surgery. Over the past 10 years, he has also received additional training in the fields of Stem Cell Science and Anti-Aging Medicine and is currently recognized as a leading authority in the field of Rejuvenation and Age Management Medicine.

A native of Connecticut, Dr. Wheeler completed his undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Connecticut. Graduating Summa Cum Laude, Dr. Wheeler’s primary Graduate Degree focus was in Exercise Physiology, Nutrition and Cardiac Rehabilitation. Prior to entering medical school, Dr. Wheeler served as the Fitness Director for the Executive Fitness Center at the Palm-Aire Spa in Pompano Beach, Florida. In addition to formulating individualized exercise prescriptions and fitness programs for an international and celebrity clientele, Dr. Wheeler conducted weekly lectures on health-related topics including Exercise and Weight Control, Behavioral Modification and Stress Management. Concurrently, Dr. Wheeler held the position of Adjunct Professor of Graduate Health Education at Nova University in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida... (continued)

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